Ecuador: Declaration of a New State of Emergency (October 3)


• President Noboa has declared a new 60-day state of emergency (until December 1) to strengthen security measures in the following areas: Pichincha Province (Quito), Guayas Province, El Oro Province, Santa Elena Province, Manabí Province, Sucumbíos Province, Orellana Province, Los Ríos Province, and Camilo Ponce Enríquez in Azuay Province.
• A nighttime curfew has also been imposed.

President Noboa, through Executive Decree No. 410, has declared this state of emergency in response to ongoing violence, including murders and robberies, in the aforementioned regions. The declaration, which is scheduled to last for 60 days (until December 1), aims to strengthen security measures and includes a nighttime curfew.

• Curfew Hours: From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. (7 hours). Exceptions apply to security and emergency personnel.
• Affected Areas:
1. Guayas Province: Durán, Balao, Tenguel
2. Los Ríos Province: Babahoyo, Buena Fe, Quevedo, Pueblo Viejo, Vinces, Valencia, Ventanas, Mocache, Urdaneta, Baba, Palenque, Quinsaloma, Montalvo
3. Orellana Province: Joya de los Sachas, Puerto Francisco de Orellana, Loreto
4. Azuay Province: Camilo Ponce Enríquez

Although no curfew has been imposed in Quito, Pichincha Province, the police and military are conducting operations both day and night to restore security. It is advised to exercise caution during nighttime outings.

Residents and travelers in the affected areas are strongly urged to avoid non-essential outings, stay informed about the latest security developments, and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.
