Micronesia: Dengue Fever Cases Reported in Pohnpei State


● Cases of dengue fever have been reported in Pohnpei State.
● Dengue fever is an acute febrile illness transmitted by mosquitoes, with symptoms including fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle pain, and rashes.
● Mosquitoes breed in areas with standing water. Please cooperate with local residents to take preventive measures such as disinfecting your home, workplace, and surrounding areas.

In Pohnpei State, cases of dengue fever have been confirmed, with patients being hospitalized at the state hospital. If you suspect dengue infection, seek medical attention promptly. Treatment for dengue fever is symptomatic, and severe cases can lead to death if not treated appropriately in the early stages. Therefore, it is important to visit a medical facility as soon as possible.

Preventive measures include using mosquito repellent sprays, mosquito coils (available in Micronesia), wearing long sleeves and long pants to minimize skin exposure, despite the heat. The Department of Health and Social Affairs also urges residents to disinfect areas near water sources where mosquitoes breed.
