Egypt: Reports of Cases Involving Diarrhea and Vomiting in Aswan Governorate

  • According to various reports, hundreds of cases have been reported in Aswan Governorate (particularly in Abu Al-Rish and Daraw districts) where individuals are experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and gastroenteritis symptoms. Over 60 individuals have been hospitalized. The Ministry of Health and Population has dispatched medical teams to the area to investigate the cause of the outbreak.
  • While the cause is still unknown, visitors to the region are advised to take basic hygiene precautions. These include thoroughly washing hands with soap and water after using the restroom and before meals, using hand sanitizer when necessary, drinking bottled mineral water, avoiding food from street vendors, and consuming only well-cooked meals. If you experience any sudden changes in your health, please seek medical attention immediately.
