USA: Recent Safety Measures Regarding Halloween and Infectious Diseases (September 23)



  • Please regularly check safety measures in daily life to avoid becoming a victim of crime.
  • To ensure a safe Halloween, share safety rules regarding children within your household.
  • During the upcoming cold season, respiratory viral infections will become prevalent. Take preventive measures and pay attention to your health.

Main Text:

Safety Measures in Daily Life to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Crime At around 8 AM local time on September 18 (Wednesday), a child from the Japanese school in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, was attacked by a man while walking to school and sustained injuries. Although the child received treatment at a medical facility, they sadly passed away in the early hours of the 19th. We extend our heartfelt condolences.
Such incidents can occur not only in certain countries or regions but can happen anywhere. We urge everyone to review safety measures in daily life to avoid becoming involved in crime.

Ensuring a Safe Halloween As we approach Halloween at the end of October, supermarkets are displaying large pumpkins. To safely enjoy Halloween events and avoid incidents, it is essential to share rules and precautions within your household in advance. Generally, the following safety measures regarding children can be mentioned:

  1. Act in Groups
    Ensure that children are accompanied by adults and always act in groups, rather than allowing them to go alone.
  2. Wear Safe Costumes
    Since Halloween often takes place at night, make costumes visible in dark places by adding reflective tape to prevent traffic accidents.
  3. Avoid Houses Without Outdoor Lights
    Dark private roads, sidewalks, and yards may have hazardous items left out. Visit houses with outdoor lights on or Halloween decorations.
  4. Never Enter Homes
    Even if invited by the residents of the house, do not enter.
  5. Check Candy
    Do not eat the candy received until you return home. Check for hygiene factors such as packaging condition and also confirm any food allergies.

In addition to the above, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides safety information regarding children’s costumes, makeup (contact lenses), and snacks. Please refer to it.

Prevention of Respiratory Viral Infections (Cold, Influenza, COVID-19, etc.) in Cold Seasons Respiratory viral infections (cold, influenza, COVID-19, etc.) occur year-round, but particularly in the upcoming autumn and winter, cold and dry air provides optimal conditions for the spread of viruses.
When immunity is weakened, it becomes easier to contract viruses, and symptoms may become severe if infected. Aim for adequate sleep and a balanced diet to strengthen immunity.
For specific information on preventing viral infections, please refer to the following website.
