Sri Lanka: Advisory Regarding the Presidential Election (Part 2)


Sri Lanka: Advisory Regarding the Presidential Election (Part 2)

○ The presidential election is scheduled for September 21. While no violent incidents have occurred at this time, there is a possibility of protests or other activities if the results are close.
○ After the voting closes, the country’s security agencies will increase their alert levels, strengthen security, and set up additional checkpoints.

1. According to reports, while there have been minor scuffles between supporters and acts of group intimidation at political rallies related to the presidential election, no large-scale violent incidents have occurred.
However, if the results are close after voting ends, there is a possibility of protests and other activities.
2. Particularly after the voting closes, security agencies will increase their alert levels, strengthen security, and increase the number of checkpoints. If approached by a police officer, remain calm and follow their instructions. You may also be asked about your destination or to present identification.
3. Japanese nationals residing in Sri Lanka, as well as those planning to travel to Sri Lanka around the time of the presidential election, are advised to stay informed about the security situation and take safety precautions to avoid getting caught in unforeseen events. If there are any changes in the security situation, the embassy will promptly issue consular emails.
(1) Avoid areas where rallies or demonstrations are taking place, as well as polling stations and political party offices around the election day. If you encounter a demonstration, leave the area immediately.
(2) Pay close attention to the security situation after the voting ends and avoid facilities that may be targeted if protests occur.
(3) Always carry identification when going out, and if approached by a police officer, remain calm and follow their instructions.
(4) Traffic restrictions may be implemented, causing delays, so allow extra time for travel.
