Nepal: Risk Information (Content Update)


Risk Level

  • Sudurpashchim Province, Karnali Province (excluding Humla and Mugu districts), Lumbini Province, Gandaki Province (excluding Mustang and Manang districts), Bagmati Province (excluding Rasuwa district), Madhesh Province, Koshi Province (excluding Khumbu region of Solukhumbu district)
    Level 1: Exercise caution. (Status unchanged)

Key Points

  • In the past, large-scale strikes called “bandhs” were sporadically carried out, resulting in the paralysis of various transportation systems and associated acts of violence. There remains the possibility that bandhs may occur again. Additionally, frequent demonstrations and protests are taking place, which could lead to opportunistic violence.
  • There has been a significant rise in theft, drug-related crimes, kidnapping for ransom, and sexual violence targeting women and children. Furthermore, firearms and explosives from neighboring countries like India have been smuggled into Nepal and used in criminal activities.

Detailed Information

  1. Overview (1) In the past, large-scale strikes known as “bandhs” were sporadically conducted, leading to the paralysis of various forms of transportation and associated acts of violence. The possibility of future bandhs cannot be ruled out. Additionally, there are frequent demonstrations and protests, with a risk of opportunistic violence. (2) Nepal’s security is impacted by an “open border” policy with India, which has allowed a significant number of undocumented foreign nationals to enter, contributing to instability. (3) Crimes such as theft, drug-related offenses, kidnappings for ransom, and sexual violence targeting women and children have become more common. Smuggling of firearms and explosives from neighboring countries, particularly India, has also been confirmed.
    • Japanese nationals have reported incidents of robbery while asleep in their homes and assault in busy areas. Additionally, cases of smuggling Nepalese-origin marijuana to Japan and arrests of Japanese nationals for drug use in Nepal have been reported. (4) Although there have been no confirmed cases of Japanese nationals being targeted in terrorist attacks or kidnappings in Nepal, recent global trends of terrorist attacks targeting crowded areas with weak security require constant vigilance. The risk of foreigners being targeted for kidnapping also cannot be ruled out.
  2. Regional Situation
    Sudurpashchim Province, Karnali Province (excluding Humla and Mugu districts), Lumbini Province, Gandaki Province (excluding Mustang and Manang districts), Bagmati Province (excluding Rasuwa district), Madhesh Province, Koshi Province (excluding Khumbu region of Solukhumbu district)
    Level 1: Exercise caution. (Status unchanged)

    (1) In Madhesh Province, the Madhesh Independence Alliance, an anti-government group aiming for independence from Nepal, carried out numerous illegal activities, including killing civilians with explosives, especially around 2015. However, the Alliance signed a peace agreement with the government in 2019, abandoning its independence struggle. Other anti-government groups have also been weakened by police crackdowns, leading to improved security in the province. Despite this, incidents involving the manufacture of explosives continue to occur sporadically. Additionally, criminals crossing the “open border” with India are known to engage in snatching and robbery, so caution is advised. (2) In Sudurpashchim, Karnali, and Lumbini provinces, Maoist Chand factions, known for their extremist activities, were previously active. However, they agreed to abandon violence and engage in peaceful political activities following a peace agreement with the government in March 2021. While security has improved in these areas since then, there have been instances of citizens being attacked for not cooperating with the Maoist Chand faction during bandhs. During the general election in November 2022, clashes between parties, shootings, and incidents involving homemade explosives were reported, particularly in these provinces, but the situation calmed down after the election period. (3) In urban areas like Kathmandu District and Lalitpur District in Bagmati Province, crimes such as kidnapping for ransom, pickpocketing, snatching, and sexual assaults targeting women and children have increased.

    Travelers to Nepal are strongly advised to stay informed about the latest local conditions and take appropriate precautions to avoid danger.

  3. Precautions During Stay

    (1) The security situation is constantly changing. Before traveling, make sure to obtain the latest information from sources such as the Embassy of Japan in Nepal or your travel agency. While traveling, continue to gather information and avoid dangerous places, demonstrations, or gatherings. During bandhs, transportation services may be disrupted, and stores may close, so it is crucial to stay informed about bandh-related information. (2) For individual travelers to Nepal, gather up-to-date information on the security situation through media reports before traveling, and consider hiring a local guide for additional safety. (3) Tourist facilities, event venues, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, public transportation, and religious sites are particularly vulnerable to terrorist attacks, so stay vigilant. The risk of kidnappings targeting foreigners also remains. Terrorist attacks can happen anywhere, and Japanese nationals could also be targeted for terrorism or kidnapping. Stay informed about the latest security situation through “Tabi-Regi” or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Overseas Safety Homepage, and take appropriate safety measures based on the circumstances.
