Sri Lanka: Advisory on Potential Disruptions Due to Presidential Election


Location:  Colombo, Sri Lanka

Event(s):  Sri Lanka will be holding presidential elections on Saturday September 21. The U.S. Embassy is not anticipating any major violence or disruptions leading up to or on election day. However, local police and emergency services will be stretched thin as they deploy for their own security operations. The U.S. Embassy suggests that U.S. citizens limit travel within Sri Lanka during the days before and after the election.


Please avoid large gatherings that do not have security screenings and access controls in place and be cautious when traveling near rallies or demonstrations. Even peaceful protests can quickly turn confrontational and escalate into violence.

Actions to Take: 

  • Avoid areas of rallies or demonstrations.
  • Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests.
  • Monitor local media for updates.
  • Keep a low profile.
