Gabon: Incidents of Pickpocketing Occur


Gabon: Incident of Pickpocketing Involving a Japanese National

● On Saturday, August 15th, at around 1:20 PM, a Japanese national became the victim of pickpocketing inside the Carrefour (Prix Import) store in downtown Libreville. The individual’s smartphone, left at the cash register during payment, was stolen by the next customer in line.

○ On Saturday, August 15th, at around 1:20 PM, a Japanese national who had just completed their purchase at the checkout counter of Carrefour (Prix Import) in downtown Libreville left their smartphone behind at the register. The next customer in line quickly stole the smartphone. The victim realized they had forgotten the phone two to three minutes later and returned to the store, but the smartphone was already gone. Upon checking the store’s security cameras, it was confirmed that a young man, who was next in line for checkout, took the smartphone after completing his own transaction and then left the scene.

○ Theft incidents have been frequently occurring in the city of Libreville. We urge all Japanese residents to carefully manage their personal belongings to prevent such incidents.

• Do not leave valuable items unattended or out of sight.
• Stay vigilant even in stores or facilities frequented by many people.
• Avoid wearing or carrying items that appear expensive.
• Be mindful that theft can also occur through open windows or unlocked doors while inside vehicles.
• In the event of a robbery or snatching, prioritize your safety and do not resist.
• For devices such as smartphones or tablets, ensure you have recorded any necessary information, such as IDs, passwords, or reset details, in case of theft, malfunction, or loss.

○ If you are involved in a crime or become aware of any incidents involving Japanese nationals, please promptly report the matter to the Embassy of Japan in Gabon.

Foreign crime victimsTheftGabon