India: Alert for Dengue Fever



• In Tamil Nadu, as of August this year, there have been 11,538 reported cases of dengue fever and 4 deaths.
• Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes, so please take measures to avoid mosquito bites in your daily life.
• If you suspect you might be infected, seek medical attention immediately and receive appropriate treatment.


1. In Tamil Nadu, from January 1 to August 31 of this year, there have been 11,538 cases of dengue fever and 4 deaths. This is an extremely high infection rate, following 23,249 cases in 2017 and 13,204 cases in 2012.
2. An increase in cases has been reported across the state, with a particularly high number of infections in Chennai and Coimbatore, where there is a significant Japanese population. On September 1, 205 new cases were reported, bringing the total to 11,743.
3. The dengue fever outbreak season in Tamil Nadu typically follows the monsoon, with peaks in July, October-November, and January. Since dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes infected with the virus, please take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.
4. If you develop symptoms suggestive of dengue fever, seek medical attention promptly and ensure you receive appropriate treatment from a healthcare provider.

