Timor-Leste: Pope Francis’ Visit (Sept 9-11) – Update (Part 4)


1. Visit Schedule

Vatican Press Office: Link

2. Travel Restrictions

  • Air and Sea Routes: All public transportation will be halted during the arrival and departure times of the Pope (including a few hours before and after).
  • Land Routes: Starting from September 5 (and September 1 at the Suai border), entry of foreign nationals will be restricted.
  • Road Closures and Restricted Areas: PNTL Press Release (Embassy website)
  • Lifting of Restrictions: All restrictions will be lifted at 2:00 PM on September 11, following the Pope’s departure.

3. Hotels and Commercial Facilities

  • Hotels accommodating involved parties, such as Hotel Timor, Timor Plaza, Hilton, and Novo Turismo, will enhance security levels. General guests are allowed to stay.
  • Restaurants, supermarkets, and other general stores will operate as usual.

4. Medical Services

  • Hospitals will operate as usual. Emergency vehicle transport (ambulances) will also be permitted.

5. Internet Services

  • The internet will be available as usual. Telkomcel will enhance internet services (increasing bandwidth).
