China: Advisory for the Anniversary of Victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan in Hong Kong


1. Today, Tuesday, September 3, is the Anniversary of Victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Although no specific protests are currently planned, events related to this day are scheduled in Hong Kong, including the usual commemorative ceremonies and the renovation of the “Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence” into the “Hong Kong Museum of the War of Resistance and Coastal Defence.”
2. If you plan to go out today, please keep the following points in mind:
(1) Obtain the latest security information and ensure the safety of your destination. While outside, be mindful not to speak loudly and remain alert to your surroundings.
(2) If you encounter any protests, do not approach them. Avoid taking photos or videos with your smartphone or posting about them on social media.
(3) Always carry identification, such as your Hong Kong ID, in case the police ask for verification.
(4) Avoid approaching any suspicious objects or items without a clear owner.
