Lebanon: Review of Safety Concerns and Consideration for Departure

  • Current Risk Levels:
    • Level 4: Issued for the area along the southern border of Lebanon with Israel. This area is experiencing ongoing hostilities and heightened risks.
    • Level 3: Issued for the rest of Lebanon, excluding the Level 4 area. This indicates significant risks and instability throughout the country.
  • Travel Advisory:
    • Do Not Travel: Avoid all travel to Lebanon at this time, regardless of the purpose of your visit. The security situation is unstable, and there is a high risk of escalation, particularly in the southern border region with Israel.
  • Recommendations for Those Currently in Lebanon:
    1. Consider Departure: If you are currently in Lebanon, consider leaving as soon as possible while commercial flights are still operating. The situation may deteriorate rapidly, potentially making travel more difficult.
    2. Plan Ahead: Monitor flight availability and make arrangements for departure promptly. Be prepared for potential disruptions in air travel and other transportation services.
    3. Stay Informed: Keep up to date with the latest information from local authorities, your embassy or consulate, and reliable news sources regarding the security situation.
  • Safety Measures:
    • Regular Updates: Continuously check travel advisories and security updates.
    • Emergency Contacts: Ensure you have contact information for your embassy or consulate in Lebanon, and know the local emergency numbers.
    • Personal Safety: Remain vigilant, avoid high-risk areas, and follow any instructions from local authorities.

Given the current risk levels and the potential for rapid escalation, prioritizing your safety and considering an early departure are essential steps to take.
