Uganda: Alert Regarding Street Robberies by Fake Policemen

  • Incident Overview: There have been multiple reports of armed robberies by individuals posing as police officers on the road between Kawuku and Kitoro, near Entebbe Airport. These incidents occur on the general road segment about 15 kilometers from the airport, which is used as a route instead of the highway connecting Entebbe Airport to Kampala.
  • Modus Operandi:
    • The fake policemen stop vehicles traveling on this road.
    • Once the vehicle is stopped, they force the occupants out of the car.
    • Shortly thereafter, a group of about five accomplices appears, armed with guns, and they proceed to rob the victims of their valuables.
  • Prevention Measures:
    1. Use Highways: Whenever possible, stick to highways instead of general roads to avoid risky areas.
    2. Stick to Main Roads: If you must use general roads, stay on major routes and avoid less trafficked areas.
    3. Avoid Night Travel: Minimize travel during night hours when vehicle traffic is low, as these times are more likely to be targeted.
  • If You Encounter Fake Policemen:
    1. Prioritize Safety: Treat any demands from the robbers as a matter of life and safety. Do not resist; comply with their demands to avoid physical harm.
    2. Report the Incident: After ensuring your safety, report the incident to local authorities as soon as possible.

Staying vigilant, using safer routes, and prioritizing personal safety over possessions can help reduce the risk of falling victim to these robberies.
