Paraguay: Alert Regarding Robbery Incidents in Urban Areas, Including Asunción

  • Recent Incidents: In urban areas of Asunción, including the city center’s commercial zones, there have been daylight armed robbery incidents involving firearms. Notably, on June 14th, a group of four men armed with handguns and shotguns robbed a casino in the Villa Morra district, threatening employees and stealing cash from the register. On June 19th, in the same district, a group of five men dressed in uniforms resembling those of the Drug Enforcement Administration (SENAD) carried out a robbery at a currency exchange, stealing cash and engaging in a gunfight with nearby police officers before fleeing.
  • Safety Precautions:
    • Remain Alert: Due to the high risk of encountering armed robbers at any time and in various locations, always stay vigilant. Be cautious whether you are in busy or quiet areas.
    • Avoid Resistance: In the event of a robbery, it is crucial for your safety to avoid resistance. Robbers armed with firearms and weapons may use violence if you try to resist.
      • If Confronted: Seek safety immediately by moving to a secure location or hiding behind solid cover. If escape is not possible, lie down on the ground and remain still to avoid being perceived as a threat.
      • Avoid Sudden Movements: Do not make sudden movements or attempt to offer items, as this could be misinterpreted as resistance and lead to violence. Only move if instructed by the robbers.
  • Valuables and Personal Safety:
    • Minimize Carrying Valuables: Take only essential items with you and consider distributing your valuables in different places on your person to minimize potential losses.
    • Exercise Caution: Always be aware of your surroundings and take proactive measures to ensure your safety.

These precautions are crucial in reducing the risk of becoming a victim of armed robbery and ensuring your safety in urban areas of Paraguay.
