Taiwan: Earthquake Centered in Hualien County


– There have been intermittent earthquakes centered in Hualien County. Aftershocks are expected to continue, so please stay informed through local authorities and take appropriate measures.

1. Since the magnitude 7.2 earthquake originating in Hualien County on April 3, there have been ongoing aftershocks. On the morning of April 23, around 2:30 AM, earthquakes with magnitudes of 6.0 and 6.3 (with a maximum intensity of 5- on the Japanese scale) occurred, followed by a magnitude 5.7 earthquake (maximum intensity 5+) around 5:30 AM, and a magnitude 5.8 earthquake (maximum intensity 5+) around 8:00 AM.

2. If you are planning to travel to or are already staying in Taiwan, please pay attention to the latest information through media and prepare for natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides.
