Bosnia and Herzegovina: Warning on Shooting Incidents


Incident Overview:

  • This year, there has been a series of shooting incidents in Sarajevo.
  • Numerous weapons and explosives from the conflict era remain in Bosnia and Herzegovina, leading to sporadic incidents of armed robberies, shootings, and explosions.
  • In March alone, there have been three reported shooting incidents in Sarajevo.

Safety Precautions:

  1. Stay Alert: Pay close attention to your surroundings, especially in areas where recent incidents have been reported.
  2. React to Gunfire or Explosions:
    • If you hear gunshots or explosions, immediately take cover. Drop to a low position and hide behind sturdy objects.
    • Assess your surroundings and, if possible, move swiftly to a safe location while maintaining a low profile. In enclosed spaces, avoid rushing to exits to prevent secondary injuries from crowd accidents.
  3. Avoid Risky Areas: If you feel unsafe or encounter suspicious behavior, seek a secure place and contact local authorities if needed.

General Safety Tips:

  • Be Cautious with Personal Belongings: Keep valuables secure and out of sight.
  • Travel in Groups: When possible, travel with others to reduce risk.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with local news and advisories for the latest safety information.
