Summary: On the morning of July 23, 2023, a Japanese national was robbed while walking home in the Polanco district of Mexico City.
1. Incident Overview:
- Date and Time: July 23, 2023, around 10:30 AM
- Location: Linear Park in Polanco (Laguna de Mayran 295, Modelo Pensil, Miguel Hidalgo, north of the brewery)
- Details: A Japanese man was walking alone when he was approached from behind by a pair on a motorcycle. They threatened him with a knife and demanded cash. The victim complied and handed over the money. No injuries were reported.
- Note: The area is home to many Japanese nationals, and a similar incident occurred in January 2022, so increased vigilance is advised.
2. Safety Precautions:
- Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Robberies can happen even in seemingly safe areas. Always stay alert, choose well-trafficked routes, and be cautious if you find yourself in a deserted area. If you feel uneasy, move away from the area or seek help from passersby or nearby businesses.
- Comply with Robbers’ Demands: If confronted by a robber, avoid resisting and comply with their demands. Do not make eye contact or attempt to chase them, as this can increase the risk of harm. It is generally safer to remain calm and follow their instructions.
- Minimize Risk: Carry cash and valuables in separate locations, and consider using a separate wallet with only small amounts of cash. This can help reduce the impact of theft and ensure that not all your important items are lost.