Benin: Advisory on Mpox


1. Current Situation of Mpox in Benin

(1) As of now, the Benin government has not issued any announcements regarding the presence of Mpox cases within the country or any quarantine measures upon entry into Benin.

(2) However, in light of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring Mpox as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)” on August 14, we urge Japanese nationals residing in or planning to visit Benin to stay informed about Mpox through media reports and to be mindful of any changes in their health. If you suspect an infection, please consult a doctor and inform our office. According to the Benin Ministry of Health, the recommended medical institution for suspected Mpox cases at this time is the Centre National Hospitalier Universitaire (CNHU) in Cotonou.

(3) Our office will continue to gather information on Mpox and will provide updates if any new information becomes available.

2. About Mpox

(1) Overview: Mpox is an acute rash illness caused by the Mpox virus, currently prevalent mainly in Central Africa.

(2) Symptoms: Symptoms include rash, fever, muscle aches, headaches, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, anorectal pain, and other skin and mucous membrane lesions. The characteristic rash typically appears on the face and limbs 1–3 days after the onset of fever and may also develop in the mouth, genital areas, and eyes. The incubation period is 5–21 days (usually 6–13 days), with a reported fatality rate ranging from a few percent to 10%.

(3) Prevention: To prevent Mpox infection, please take the following precautions:

• Avoid contact with droplets, bodily fluids, etc., from symptomatic individuals.
• Avoid contact with mammals, such as rodents, that may carry the Mpox virus (including carcasses), and refrain from handling or consuming wild game (bushmeat).
