China: Safety Information


Danger Levels and Points

Danger Levels

• Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Ongoing)


• Recently, there have been stabbing incidents at crowded places (parks, schools, subways, etc.) across China. Please remain vigilant of your surroundings when going out.
• In Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, there have been riots and indiscriminate attacks with numerous casualties in the past. There is a potential for unexpected incidents, so continued caution is necessary.
• In Tibet Autonomous Region, protests by monks have sometimes escalated into violence with numerous casualties. There is a potential for unexpected incidents, so continued caution is necessary.


1. Overview
• Overall, the security situation in China is stable. However, due to its vast territory and incidents related to ethnicity and religion in some regions, it is important to gather information about the specific areas you will be staying or traveling to.
• Recently, there have been stabbing incidents at crowded locations across China. Please remain vigilant of your surroundings when going out.
• In Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, there have been riots and indiscriminate attacks. In Tibet Autonomous Region and surrounding areas, protests have sometimes turned violent, and self-immolations by Tibetans have occurred. Due to these unstable factors, a Level 1 warning (exercise caution) has been issued for these areas.
• In regions outside Xinjiang and Tibet, there have also been indiscriminate attacks related to ethnicity or religion and similar incidents by individuals, so caution is necessary.
• Acts deemed to “endanger national security” in China can be subject to investigation under various laws, potentially leading to long-term detention by national security departments. If found guilty in court, severe penalties such as imprisonment may be imposed. Recent amendments to laws have strengthened measures against activities threatening national security, so be aware of this.
• Terrorism affecting Japanese nationals is not limited to countries with travel advisories or evacuation recommendations, such as Syria and Afghanistan. Terrorism occurs worldwide, including in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Japanese nationals have been affected in Tunisia, Belgium, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Recently, lone-wolf attacks and terrorism targeting soft targets like restaurants, shopping malls, and public transport have increased. It is difficult to predict and prevent such attacks. Be aware that terrorism can happen anywhere and that Japanese nationals can be targets. Stay informed through travel registries, safety websites, and news, and take appropriate and adequate safety measures.
2. Regional Situations
• Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Ongoing)
a. In Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, riots in 2009 resulted in numerous casualties. Subsequent attacks, including indiscriminate attacks in Kashgar and Hotan, and a 2014 attack in Urumqi, have also caused casualties. Authorities are enforcing strict measures, and dissatisfaction with these measures may lead to unexpected incidents, so continued caution is required.
b. The security situation near the borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan may be unstable due to regional conditions, so caution is needed. Temporary border closures and impassable roads due to natural disasters can occur. Particularly, the so-called China-Pakistan road crosses high mountain routes, and land travel is not recommended. If planning to travel or stay in Xinjiang, obtain the latest information, carefully plan your itinerary, and remain vigilant.
• Tibet Autonomous Region
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Ongoing)
a. Foreigners must obtain a “Foreigner’s Permit” to visit Tibet Autonomous Region.
b. In March 2008, protests by monks led to violence and numerous casualties. There have been self-immolation incidents by monks, and authorities maintain a heightened state of alert. Significant security measures are in place around March, the anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s escape and the Tibetan Uprising Day.
c. Tibet’s high altitude (Lhasa at 3,650m, Shigatse at 3,850m, Qinghai-Tibet Railway average elevation 4,500m) increases the risk of altitude sickness. Consider your health when planning travel and ensure adequate travel insurance. The region’s road conditions are poor, with a fatal accident involving a tourist bus in 2014. If traveling to Tibet, obtain the latest information, carefully plan your itinerary, and stay vigilant.
• Other Regions
Outside Xinjiang and Tibet, incidents related to ethnicity or religion, and violent incidents by individuals have occurred, including:
• A June 2024 stabbing in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.
• A June 2024 stabbing in a park in Jilin City, Jilin Province.
• A May 2021 vehicular attack in Dalian City, Liaoning Province.
• A January 2021 knife attack in a middle school in Kunming, Yunnan Province.
• A January 2019 hammer attack on children in a Beijing elementary school.
• A February 2018 knife attack in a shopping center in Beijing.
• A June 2016 homemade bomb explosion at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.
• A March 2014 stabbing attack at Kunming Station, Yunnan Province.
3. Other
• When traveling abroad, inform family, friends, and workplace of your itinerary and contact details for emergencies.
