São Tomé and Príncipe: Safety Information


Risk Levels and Key Points

[Risk Level]

• Entire Country
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Ongoing)

[Key Points]

• Demonstrations and gatherings, driven by dissatisfaction with the severe economic situation and regional economic disparities, may escalate into riots or clashes with security forces. Avoid such events.
• In November 2022, an attempted coup occurred, involving an attack on a military building with the intent to seize weapons.
• The Gulf of Guinea continues to experience frequent incidents of piracy, including kidnappings and robberies by armed groups, necessitating heightened vigilance when traveling by sea.

Detailed Information

1. Overview
• In São Tomé and Príncipe, demonstrations and gatherings sporadically occur due to dissatisfaction with the severe economic situation and regional economic disparities. These events can escalate into riots or clashes with security forces. Avoid approaching demonstrations or gatherings.
• In November 2022, an attempted coup took place in the capital, São Tomé, where four suspects attacked a military building. The situation was suppressed by security forces within a few hours, and no civilian injuries were reported. Although the current security situation remains stable, similar incidents could occur, so caution is advised.
• The Gulf of Guinea continues to experience frequent incidents of piracy, including kidnappings and robberies by armed groups. In November 2020, a pirate attack occurred off the coast of São Tomé, resulting in the abduction of 14 crew members from a transport ship. In January 2021, a Turkish cargo ship was attacked, and 15 crew members were kidnapped. While transport ships are often the targets of piracy, armed groups aim for valuables and ransom, so tourists on boats should also exercise caution.
• There have been no reported incidents of Japanese citizens being affected by terrorism in São Tomé and Príncipe. However, terrorism occurs worldwide, including in regions frequently visited by Japanese nationals, such as Europe, the Americas, and Asia, with Japanese citizens also being affected. Recently, there has been an increase in terrorist attacks by lone perpetrators targeting areas with large gatherings of civilians, such as tourist sites, event venues, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, public transportation, and religious facilities. It is important to remain vigilant in these areas.
• Terrorism can occur anywhere, and Japanese nationals may also become targets. Be aware of this and take appropriate and thorough safety measures to avoid becoming involved in terrorist attacks or kidnappings.
2. Regional Situation
• Entire Country
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Ongoing)
• Drug-related issues remain severe throughout São Tomé and Príncipe. Many couriers have been arrested at São Tomé International Airport for attempting to smuggle cocaine in their luggage or body. Be cautious not to accept any requests to transport items.
• In October 2019, a protest took place in front of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus) in the capital, São Tomé, demanding the release and repatriation of a São Toméan pastor detained in Côte d’Ivoire. The demonstration escalated into a riot involving violence, looting, and destruction, resulting in the death of a young boy from a gunshot wound. Demonstrations and gatherings driven by dissatisfaction with the severe economic situation and regional economic disparities may escalate into riots or clashes with security forces. Avoid such events, and if you encounter a demonstration or gathering, leave the area immediately and ensure your safety.
3. Precautions During Stay
• Exercise caution during your stay and avoid dangerous situations. There is no Japanese embassy or consulate in São Tomé and Príncipe. In the event of an incident or accident, contact the Embassy of Japan in Gabon.
• Before traveling abroad, inform your family, friends, or workplace of your itinerary and contact details in case of an emergency.
