Spain: Protests Against Dolphin Fishing and Whaling


• On Friday, September 6, from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM, a protest against the arrest and extradition to Japan of the founder of the anti-whaling organization Sea Shepherd is scheduled to take place in front of the Japanese Embassy in Madrid.
• Additionally, there may be anti-dolphin fishing protests in front of the Japanese Embassy around September 1, the date when dolphin hunting resumes.
• To avoid unnecessary trouble, please be cautious and avoid approaching the area if a protest is occurring.

1. Following reports that the founder of Sea Shepherd was detained by local authorities in Greenland on July 21, a protest against his arrest and extradition to Japan is expected to occur in front of the embassy on September 6, from approximately 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM.
2. Anti-dolphin fishing activists around the world often observe September 1, the date when dolphin hunting resumes in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, as “Japan Dolphins Day” and hold protests. There is a possibility of such activities taking place in front of the embassy this year as well, given that similar protests have occurred in the past.
3. Protests and demonstrations can lead to unforeseen situations. Please pay attention to your surroundings and follow the instructions of embassy security personnel and local police if a protest is taking place.
