Malaysia: Safety Measures Ahead of Independence Day


• August 31 (Saturday) marks Malaysia’s Independence Day. As in previous years, events celebrating independence will be held at government institutions, schools, public squares, and other locations across Malaysia.
• Traffic and Security: Traffic congestion and road closures may occur around event venues. Additionally, gatherings attended by government officials and large crowds could potentially become targets for terrorist attacks. To avoid unexpected incidents, please take the following precautions:
• Pay close attention to your surroundings when visiting event venues, government facilities such as military, police, and judicial institutions.
• If you notice anything suspicious, leave the area immediately and prioritize your safety.
• Exercise extra caution when visiting tourist sites, public transportation hubs, event venues, churches, mosques, or any places where large numbers of people, including foreigners, may gather, to avoid becoming a victim of crimes like pickpocketing or theft.
