Brazil: Wildfires in São Paulo State


Wildfire risks are escalating in the inland areas of São Paulo State. Please stay vigilant.

According to the São Paulo State Government, between August 2nd and 24th, wildfires have spread in inland cities such as Piracicaba, Ribeirão Preto, and São José do Rio Preto. On August 23rd, the state government established a crisis management room to respond to the situation. As of August 25th, the state government announced that the wildfires have been brought under control, but the state of alert remains in place.

The dry season typically continues until around October in this region. Japanese nationals residing in the area are advised to closely monitor announcements from the state government and media reports, and to take preventive measures to avoid damage.

Reference 1: Examples of Measures by the State Government

SP mantém gabinete de crise e posto avançado em Ribeirão Preto nesta semana | Governo do Estado de São Paulo
Focos ativos de incêndio caem para 6 neste domingo (25); todas as rodovias interditadas por fumaça são liberadas

• If you are aware of the presence of a fire or smoke, avoid approaching and report it to the fire department (193) or the Civil Defense (199).
• Avoid passing through areas with active fires or dense smoke.
• Avoid activities such as campfires and burning trash.

Reference 2: Examples of Measures by the Brazilian Ministry of Health Regarding Air Pollution

Orientações para evitar a exposição à fumaça intensa e neblina, causadas por queimadas
Ministério da Saúde apresenta orientações à população sobre como se proteger

• Maintain moisture in the respiratory membranes by staying hydrated.
• Stay indoors with good ventilation, air conditioning, or air purifiers.
• During periods of high air pollution, keep doors and windows closed and avoid outdoor activities.
• Use surgical masks, cloth, scarves, or bandanas.
• Extra caution should be taken by children under 5, elderly over 60, pregnant women, and those with heart, respiratory, or immune conditions.

Reference 3: Please also refer to page 19 and onwards of the Consulate’s “Safety Guide in São Paulo” (Sections 9: Preparing for Natural Disasters, and 10: Emergency Response Manual).
