Germany: Knife Attack Incident in Solingen


• According to the police authorities, at around 9:40 PM on Friday, August 23, during the 650th anniversary celebration of the founding of Solingen, a man carried out a stabbing attack on multiple people on the streets in the city center. As of now, three people have been confirmed dead, and eight others injured, with five of them in critical condition. The perpetrator is still at large, and the police are conducting an extensive search.
• It appears that the police have set up roadblocks and checkpoints in and around Solingen. If you are planning to visit the area, please comply with these police restrictions.
• Additionally, there is a possibility that the perpetrator may have fled to another location. Therefore, if you encounter any suspicious individuals while outside, immediately leave the area, report to the police, and take precautions to ensure your safety.

[Police Press Release]

POL-D: Solingen - Messerangriff bei Stadtfest - Drei Tote und mehrere Schwerverletzte - Polizei fahndet mit Großaufgebot nach Täter
Düsseldorf (ots) - Tatzeit: Freitag, 24. August 2024, 21:37 Uhr Während eines Stadtfests in Solingen attackierte ein bis...
