Gabon: Advisory on Mpox, Announcement of the First Mpox Case in Gabon


• On August 22, the Gabonese government announced that the first case of Mpox was confirmed in Gabon. Health Minister Adrien Nguema issued a statement to raise awareness.
• Please follow the infection prevention measures below, and if you suspect you may be infected, seek medical attention immediately:

1. Avoid contact with droplets and bodily fluids from symptomatic individuals.
2. Avoid contact with mammals, such as rodents, that may carry the Mpox virus (including carcasses), and refrain from consuming or handling bushmeat (wild game).
3. Practice hand hygiene with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

• On August 22, the Gabonese government announced that the first Mpox infection in Gabon was confirmed, and Health Minister Adrien Nguema issued a statement. According to the statement, the infected individual is a 30
