Albania: Protest Demonstrations Against the City of Tirana


Albania: Large-Scale Protest Demonstration in Tirana on August 22

• On Thursday, August 22, a large-scale protest demonstration against the City of Tirana is scheduled to take place in front of Tirana City Hall starting at 11:00 AM.
• Please be aware that the situation could potentially escalate.

According to reports, a large-scale protest demonstration against the City of Tirana is planned to occur in front of Tirana City Hall (Sheshi Skenderbej 2, Tirana 1001 Albania) on Thursday, August 22, starting at 11:00 AM.

Given that the protest could become more intense depending on the circumstances, please stay informed with the latest updates and avoid approaching the area where the demonstration is taking place until it subsides. Exercise caution in your actions.

In the unfortunate event that you are involved in an incident or accident, please file a report with the police and notify the embassy of the details.
