Brazil: A robbery and a shootout occurred in the Jardim Botânico area of Curitiba


On the night of August 17th, a robbery and shootout occurred on Rua Dario Lopes dos Santos, in the Jardim Botânico area of Curitiba (about 1 kilometer from the Curitiba Botanical Garden). The suspect robbed a passerby of their cellphone and was attempting to flee when he engaged in a shootout with the police officers who had responded to the call. The suspect was killed in the exchange of gunfire. No injuries to residents or passersby have been reported.

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In the event that you find yourself in a shooting situation, please take the following actions to ensure your safety:

• Immediately move away from the area of the shooting and keep as much distance as possible; do not approach the scene.
• If the incident occurs nearby and evacuation is difficult, cover your head with your arms or a bag, lie face down with your feet pointing toward the direction of the gunfire, and remain still until the gunfire ceases and you can safely evacuate.
• Hide behind nearby buildings, solid pillars, or other cover.
• When evacuating, keep a low profile and move along the shadows of objects whenever possible.

If you encounter an armed suspect:

• Do not resist under any circumstances.
• Avoid direct eye contact with the suspect and do not follow them.

Always prioritize your safety and well-being in such situations.
