Honduras: Dengue Fever Advisory (Seek Medical Attention Early if Infection is Suspected)


Currently, Honduras is experiencing an increase in dengue fever infections and the severity of cases. Several cases of severe illness have also been reported among Japanese residents.

If severe dengue develops, symptoms may include intense abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, bleeding from the gums or nose, fatigue, anxiety or agitation, liver enlargement, and blood in vomit or stool. The condition can become critical and even fatal within 3 to 7 days from the onset of symptoms.

There is no specific treatment for dengue fever, and generally, supportive care is provided. It is important to rest, stay hydrated, and seek medical attention if symptoms appear. Depending on the severity of symptoms, patients may require home care, hospitalization, or emergency transport.

If you experience sudden high fever, headache, joint or muscle pain, rash, or other symptoms that suggest dengue fever, promptly visit a healthcare facility for appropriate treatment. If you need information about medical facilities, please contact the Embassy of Japan in Honduras immediately.

Prevention Methods

The most effective way to prevent dengue fever is to avoid mosquito bites. If you plan to travel to areas where dengue fever is prevalent, please keep in mind that the mosquitoes that transmit dengue, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, can breed in even small amounts of water and are commonly found in urban areas. Take the following precautions to minimize your risk of infection:

• Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to reduce skin exposure when going outside.
• Apply insect repellent to exposed skin every 2-3 hours.
• Use screens or mosquito nets indoors to prevent mosquitoes from entering.
• Effectively use electric mosquito repellents, coils, or insecticides.
• Maintain a regular lifestyle, get enough sleep, and eat a balanced diet to strengthen your resistance.
• To prevent mosquito breeding, properly dispose of empty containers, cover outdoor water storage, and eliminate standing water where mosquitoes can breed and lay eggs.
