China: Advisory on Dalian Municipal Disease Control Center


• Hygiene Awareness: Summer often sees a rise in infectious diseases, so maintain good hygiene practices.
• COVID-19 Precautions: With an increase in COVID-19 cases in China, adhere to basic preventive measures such as wearing masks, hand sanitization, and ensuring proper ventilation.
• Food Safety: To prevent food poisoning, exercise caution with raw foods and ensure hygiene when handling them.

The Dalian Municipal Disease Control Center has issued the following health management advisory, summarized as follows:

1. Strengthen Personal Prevention: When in crowded public places, especially if family members or close friends show symptoms like fever, fatigue, or cough, it is advised to wear masks and maintain social distancing to reduce the risk of respiratory infections. Maintain personal hygiene by washing hands frequently with soap and water, and using alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
2. Improve Indoor Ventilation: Even though it is hot, improving indoor air circulation is crucial in reducing the risk of respiratory infections. Open windows during cooler times of the day to ventilate rooms and use natural airflow to improve indoor air quality. Regularly clean or replace air conditioner filters to minimize microbial growth and maintain cleanliness.
3. Food Hygiene: To prevent gastrointestinal issues, be cautious with raw or undercooked foods and cold items. Cook food thoroughly and refrigerate it promptly, and consume it quickly. Avoid leaving mixed dishes out for extended periods to prevent bacterial growth, and wash hands thoroughly before eating.
4. Prevent Insect Bites: In summer, when insects like mosquitoes are more active, take measures to prevent insect-borne diseases. Use insect repellent sprays and mosquito coils, and avoid prolonged stays in areas with high mosquito activity, such as grasslands or forests.

For more details, refer to the original advisory from the Dalian Municipal Disease Control Center:

