Greece: Wildfire Alert (Northeast Attica)


The Greek Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection has reported that the situation regarding the large-scale wildfire in Northeast Attica is improving. Firefighting efforts are ongoing, and while the fire has been largely contained, vigilance is still required.

The weather forecast predicts several days of high temperatures and strong winds, which raises concerns about potential rekindling or new wildfires. Please stay updated with the latest information from local reports and evacuate immediately if you sense danger in your vicinity, following the authorities’ instructions to ensure your safety.

1. The wildfire that started on the 11th in Varnava, Northeast Attica, has expanded southward due to strong winds, leading to a large-scale fire and evacuation orders for many local residents. The Director of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection announced on the night of the 12th that the situation is improving. On the 13th, Minister Kikiias confirmed that while there are no active large fires, there are still scattered fires. Caution is advised as dangerous conditions for fires are expected to continue in the coming days. Reports indicate that over 100 homes have burned, one body has been found, and multiple injuries have been reported.
2. Due to the wildfire, traffic restrictions are currently in place in surrounding areas.
3. Wildfires can spread rapidly due to dry conditions and strong winds. Even if you are far from the fire’s origin, smoke and ash can travel long distances depending on wind direction and strength.
4. The Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection continues to call for vigilance to protect lives and prevent new fires:
• Avoid approaching wildfire areas.
• Do not enter forested areas with restricted access signs.
• Avoid activities that could ignite fires (such as burning dry grass or branches, outdoor cooking with open flames, or littering cigarettes).
• If you discover a fire, report it immediately by calling 112 or 199.

If you are affected by the wildfire or cannot reach your family or Japanese friends, please contact the consular section of the nearest embassy.


• Greek Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection website (in Greek): Daily fire risk maps are published. Colors approaching red on the map indicate higher risk.

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• Emergency contact numbers: 112 (EU common emergency number), 199 (Greek Fire Service)
