Greece: Fire Alert for the Northeast Region of Attica


A large-scale wildfire has broken out in the Penteli area (approximately 20 km north of central Athens) in northeastern Attica, and Greek authorities have issued evacuation orders for residents. Due to the ongoing heatwave, dryness, and strong winds, there is a high risk of fire across the country, including Attica. Please stay informed through local news and follow the authorities’ instructions to ensure your safety, evacuating promptly if you sense danger.

1. Since the 11th, a large wildfire has been occurring in the Penteli area of northeastern Attica, with evacuation orders issued to surrounding residents. Reports indicate that firefighting efforts are ongoing but are being hampered by strong winds.

Recommendations from the reports include:

• Avoid traveling to areas affected by the wildfire, particularly to facilities like children’s camps.
• If traveling by car near the wildfire, keep windows closed.
• Individuals with respiratory conditions should leave the area as soon as possible.

2. Traffic restrictions are in place on Dionysios and Marathon Streets due to the wildfire.
3. Even if you are far from the wildfire, be aware that wind direction and strength can spread smoke and ash over long distances.
4. The Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection continues to urge vigilance to protect lives and prevent new fires:

• Avoid approaching wildfire areas.
• Do not enter forested areas with “No Entry” signs.
• Do not engage in activities that could spark a fire (e.g., burning dry grass or branches, outdoor cooking with open flames, discarding cigarettes).
• Report any fire sightings immediately by calling 112 or 199.


• Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Website (Greek) – Daily fire risk maps are available. The closer the color is to red, the higher the risk.

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• Emergency Contact Numbers: 112 (EU-wide emergency number), 199 (Greek Fire Service)
