Pakistan: Advisory on Independence Day



• August 14th (Wednesday) is Pakistan’s Independence Day, and various celebratory events are planned throughout Karachi.
• To avoid the risk of stray bullets from celebratory gunfire, please stay indoors and away from windows from the night of the 13th until early the 14th.
• There is a possibility of terrorism targeting Independence Day events and gatherings of people, so please remain vigilant and prioritize safety.

Main Text:

1. August 14th (Wednesday) marks Pakistan’s Independence Day. Various gatherings and events are expected to take place throughout Karachi in celebration of independence. Every year, celebratory activities include fireworks, revving motorcycles, and celebratory gunfire, which can result in stray bullets causing injuries or fatalities. Therefore, please avoid going out and stay away from windows indoors from the night of the 13th until early the 14th.
2. In the past, there have been bomb attacks targeting flag vendors set up for Independence Day in Balochistan, carried out by Baloch separatists using grenades. To avoid being caught in unforeseen incidents, please follow these guidelines to ensure your and your family’s safety:
(1) Stay informed through local news and take safe actions.
(2) Avoid places that are likely targets (government buildings, security forces facilities including vehicles and checkpoints, Chinese-related facilities, gathering places, and religious sites). Always be aware of your surroundings and promptly leave if you notice any suspicious activity.
(3) Do not approach areas where gatherings or protests are taking place or are expected.
(4) If you encounter gatherings or protests while traveling, leave the area immediately.
3. Depending on the region and situation, there may be restrictions on mobile phone services for communication and prevention of terrorist activities. Please ensure you have alternative communication methods (landlines, internet, etc.) available.
