Bangladesh: General Security and Safety Advisory


Since the resignation of Prime Minister Hasina on the 5th, the political situation in the region remains uncertain. However, it appears that the situation surrounding demonstrations has been calming down as of the 6th. Nonetheless, it is currently unclear how the political changes will impact the security maintenance systems managed by local police and other security agencies and how these systems will be restored.

In this situation, it is crucial to be more vigilant about general crime than usual. In addition to paying attention to potential future demonstrations, please be especially aware of the following


Precautions against General Crime:

•Limit outings at night to essential activities, and use vehicles (preferably private cars) for daytime travel.
•Ensure thorough locking of doors and windows at home, especially entrance doors, and avoid easily opening the door for visitors.
•To avoid trouble from traffic accidents, practice extra caution in driving and ensure that employed drivers adhere to safe driving practices (such as avoiding reckless overtaking or cutting off other vehicles).
