Brazil: Robberies Target Pharmacies in Several Areas of Curitiba


Robberies occurred at pharmacies in several neighborhoods in Curitiba, including the Centro, Boqueirao, Taruma, and Novo Mundo districts. The robbers are believed to be the same person, a young man with a beard and a large tatoo on his left neck. Police have released an image of the suspect and are asking for information. No damage to passersby or other property has been confirmed. The robber committed the robbery around 8:00 a.m. Please be careful when using the pharmacy.

(Related information)

If you are involved in a robbery or encounter a robber, please do not resist and follow the robber’s demands.
If you are involved in a robbery or encounter a robber, do not resist and comply with the robber’s demands. If possible, try to avoid traveling at night.
If you are out and about for long periods of time at night, try to avoid nighttime travel if at all possible.
