Venezuela: Presidential Election (security measures during the election campaign and around voting day)


On July 25, the last day of the election campaign for the Venezuelan presidential election to be held on July 28, large rallies and marches by both the ruling and opposition parties and road closures by the authorities are expected to cause heavy traffic congestion in various parts of the country.
◎On the 28th, the day of the elections, there is no denying that there will be obstruction of voting and clashes between supporters of the ruling and opposition parties as well as between supporters and security authorities.
◎After the polls open, there is a possibility that groups of people dissatisfied with the results will stage protests, which may lead to violence.
◎Please take precautions to ensure your own safety by obtaining the latest information from the media and other sources to avoid being caught in unforeseen circumstances.

We have already informed you via consular mail of the security measures to be taken in connection with the 2024 Venezuelan presidential election to be held on July 28, but we would like to reiterate the following information.

1 During the election campaign period (July 4-25)
(1) The election campaign for the 2024 Venezuelan presidential election, which will be held on July 28, began on July 4 and will end on July 25.
(2) The administration has been campaigning to guarantee calm and peace, and no major clashes have occurred so far. On the other hand, as the election process enters its final stage, there are concerns that the conflict between the ruling and opposition parties may intensify, as there have been reports of enthusiastic supporters and numerous arrests in connection with the election campaign.
(3) On the 25th, the final day of the election campaign, both the ruling and opposition parties have called for participation in a large-scale rally and march titled “TOMA DE CARACAS (Occupy Caracas),” and the administration has announced that a rally of several million people will be held in Caracas from 10:00 to 22:00. Although the specific time and place of the rally and march by the ruling and opposition parties have not been announced at this time, heavy traffic congestion is expected in various areas due to the large scale rally and march and the closure of roads by the authorities.

2 Election Day (July 28)
On July 28, the day of the election, the National Armed Forces (FANB) will be in charge of maintaining security at the polling stations, but there is a possibility that the Colectivo (government-affiliated armed groups) and other groups will disrupt the voting process. The possibility of clashes between supporters of the ruling and opposition parties and between supporters and the security authorities cannot be denied. In past elections, supporters of the ruling party have tended to mobilize at the end of the voting hours, so special attention should be paid during the closing hours of the election and after that time.

3 After the polls open (after July 28)
(1) Voting hours are from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. However, in the event that there are still undecided voters waiting in line at the polling place, voting hours will be extended and the election results will not be announced until after dawn on the day following the election.
(2) After the election results are announced, we cannot rule out the possibility that groups of people dissatisfied with the results will hold protest demonstrations and possibly engage in violence.
(3) In Venezuela, clashes between demonstrators and security authorities have resulted in many deaths and injuries in the past, and the future situation is unpredictable.

4 Safety Measures
In light of the above situation, Japanese citizens are requested to obtain the latest information from news reports and other sources and take the following safety measures to ensure their own safety in order to avoid being caught in an unforeseen situation.
(1) Stay away from areas where rallies, etc. are being held, as the situation may change suddenly even if the rally is peaceful. If you encounter a rally, etc., leave the area immediately.
(2) During the election campaign period and for a few days after the polls open, there is a possibility of heavy traffic congestion due to demonstrations and road closures in various areas without warning.
(3) On the last day of the election campaign (July 25) and the day of the election (July 28), refrain from going out unnecessarily. If you must go out, avoid places where unspecified people gather as much as possible to avoid being caught in unforeseen circumstances. In particular, on Election Day, be aware that the area around the polling place is expected to be crowded, and that there is a possibility of sabotage against voters.
(4) After the polls open, be aware that groups of people who are dissatisfied with the results may hold protest demonstrations and engage in violent acts.

5 Prohibited acts before and after the voting day, etc.
From July 26 to 29, in conjunction with the election in question, the sale and serving of alcoholic beverages in restaurants, rallies and marches, fireworks including firecrackers, and other activities that may affect the electoral process will be prohibited, and border movement will be strictly controlled.
