Germany: Advisory on Protests Related to the Middle East Situation


○ Next Monday marks one year since the attack by Palestinian armed groups on Israel on October 7th last year.
○ Demonstrations and rallies related to this event are scheduled across Germany, including many planned in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) between October 6th (Sunday) and 7th (Monday). Given the current Middle East situation, protests may turn violent, and the possibility of terrorist attacks during this period cannot be ruled out. As a result, security authorities are on heightened alert.
○ To avoid being caught in unexpected situations, please stay informed by following the news and remain vigilant. If you find yourself in an unforeseen incident, be aware of your surroundings and leave the area immediately to ensure your safety. Extra caution is advised when visiting crowded places.

■ Related report

Ein Jahr nach dem Hamas-Überfall: So wird des 7. Oktobers gedacht
Vor bald einem Jahr überfiel die islamistische Terrormiliz Hamas Israel. In NRW wird der Opfer des 7. Oktobers gedacht.
