Lebanon: Emergency Evacuation Advisory Due to Deteriorating Security Situation


We continue to advise Australians not to travel to Lebanon due to the volatile security situation and the risk of the security situation deteriorating further.

The security situation continues to deteriorate in Lebanon. Israeli military airstrikes in southern Beirut and other locations are likely to continue. Australians in Lebanon should avoid known or suspected areas of potential military activity.

Military action has also increased in southern Lebanon with airstrikes, rocket and missile fire. The conflict could continue to escalate quickly or spread to other areas in Lebanon with little notice. This could affect your ability to move to safety. Avoid areas where military activity is ongoing. Australians unable to secure a commercial flight should be prepared to shelter in place for an extended period.

Australians in Lebanon should leave immediately while commercial flights remain available. Several airlines have postponed or cancelled flights. Further flight cancellations and disruptions could occur with little or no notice. You should take the first available flight and not wait for a preferred route.

Beirut airport could close, and you may be unable to leave for an extended period. Airlines may cancel more flights or set high ticket prices for any remaining flights. There may also be other travel disruptions. The Australian Government may not be able to assist you to leave in such circumstances.

Since 19 October 2023, our advice has been Do Not Travel to Lebanon.

If you choose not to leave while commercial flights are operating, be prepared to shelter in place for an extended period. Make sure you have enough supplies including food, water, medicine, radio, torches and batteries. Know where your identity documents are, including your passport.

Terrorist attacks could occur anytime and anywhere, including in Beirut.

If you’re an Australian citizen or permanent resident in Lebanon, you can register with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s crisis registration portal. See the ‘Safety’ section for details on how to register. Keep your registration details up to date so we can contact you.

We continue to advise:

Do not travel to Lebanon due to the volatile security situation and the risk of the security situation deteriorating further.
