Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bomb Threat Against a Shopping Mall in Sarajevo

Information from the U.S. Department of State

Location:  Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Event:  Importanne Mall and the Sarajevo City Center (SCC) Mall have received bomb threats prompting police response along with explosive ordinance disposal teams.  Evacuations are currently ongoing at both locations.

Actions to Take:

  • Exercise caution and avoid these areas until the situation is fully resolved and all locations are deemed safe
Information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

According to reports, on the 24th (Tuesday), there was a bomb threat involving the SCC (Sarajevo City Center) and Importanne Centar in Sarajevo. Evacuation orders have been issued at both facilities, and investigations for explosives are underway.

Details are currently unclear, but it is crucial to ensure your safety by avoiding areas near the threatened facilities and to stay updated with the latest information.

Bomb threats against schools, hospitals, police stations, courts, and commercial facilities in the country occur frequently. Although there have been no incidents where explosives have been discovered or detonated at facilities that received bomb threats, it is important to remain vigilant as your home or nearby facilities may also receive such threats.
