Venezuela: High incidence of robberies in the Castellana neighborhood of Chacao


There have been five robberies in the last three months in the Castellana district of Chacao City, where the hotel is located.
Even in areas that are considered relatively safe, robberies are committed in broad daylight, so please be careful.

1 Incident Summary
In the Castellana district of Chacao City, where the Museum is located, there have been a number of robberies in a short period of time using the following techniques, and foreigners have also been victims.
(1) Suspects are using motorcycles alone.
(2) The robberies occurred during the daytime.
(3) The suspect pretended to ask for directions, called out to the victim, and demanded money or goods from the victim when he came near.
(4) The suspect allegedly possesses a handgun and threatens to kill the victim if he or she does not comply with his or her demands.
(5) No physical harm has been confirmed so far, as the victim has handed over the money and goods without resisting.
(6) The fact that some of the victims are local Venezuelans as well as foreigners suggests that the crime was committed in a random manner targeting an unspecified number of people.

2 Crime Prevention Measures
At this point, there is no solid information on the suspect, but given the concentration of robberies in a relatively safe neighborhood in a short period of time, there is concern that robberies with the same type of tactics may continue to occur in the future. Please take the following crime prevention measures to avoid becoming a victim of crime.
(1) Avoid wearing flashy clothes and keeping money items visible from outside.
(2) Avoid areas with few pedestrians, even during the daytime, and try to be alone.
(3) Do not respond easily when approached by someone.
(4) When going out, keep valuables to a minimum and do not carry identification, credit cards, etc. in one place. Also, prepare a dummy wallet (a wallet to present to the criminal) in case you become a victim.
(5) Do not resist if you are victimized.
Although all of these incidents are believed to have been committed by a single criminal, there is a good chance that a watchman or other accomplice may have intervened. Please be aware that foreigners in particular are easy targets for this type of crime, and we ask that you take thorough safety measures once again.
