Guatemala: Air Pollution Across the Country


Recent information from various authorities highlights significant air pollution issues affecting Guatemala. Key updates are as follows:

1. National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) and Ministry of Health (May 20):

  • Information: Monitor updates from CONRED and the Ministry of Health regarding air pollution.
  • Protective Measures:
    • Limit outdoor activities and ensure appropriate protection.
    • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent indoor contamination.
    • Wear masks to reduce direct contact with polluted air.
    • Keep car windows closed while driving to avoid external pollution.
    • For those with respiratory conditions, manage health carefully and seek medical care if needed.
  • Source: Soy502 – Recommendations from CONRED

2. Ministry of Education (May 20-22):

3. National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology, and Hydrology (INSIVUMEH):

  • Observation: Monitoring pollution levels in Guatemala City, Quetzaltenango Department, Petén Department, Solalá Department, Huehuetenango Department, and Izabal Department.
  • Air Quality Index (AQI): The air quality index for Guatemala Department is regularly updated.
