North Macedonia: Shooting Incident in Aracinovo


Incident Details:

  1. Date and Time: April 1, around 1:00 PM
  2. Location: Near the boundary between Aracinovo and Skopje, North Macedonia
  3. Incident Overview:
    • The target of the shooting was the mayor of Aracinovo. Although the mayor was not injured, two individuals accompanying him were wounded and required emergency medical transportation.
    • The shooting occurred while the mayor was visiting a construction site in a vehicle. The assailants fired automatic rifles at the vehicle. The perpetrators are still at large.

Safety Recommendations:

  • Stay Alert: Remain vigilant in the area and avoid traveling to locations with reported violence.
  • Avoid High-Risk Areas: Be cautious when traveling near the boundary areas or locations where recent incidents have occurred.
  • Emergency Contacts: Keep emergency contact numbers handy and report any suspicious activity to local authorities.

General Advice: Follow local security advisories and stay informed about any updates regarding the ongoing investigation and safety conditions in the area.
