France: Elevation of Counter-Terrorism Action Plan

  • On the 24th, the French government raised the national terrorism alert level to its highest level.
  • Be fully aware that terrorism can occur anywhere, make efforts to obtain the latest security information through reports, and ensure to implement appropriate and adequate safety measures based on the situation.
  1. On March 22 (local time), a shooting occurred at a commercial facility in Moscow Oblast, Russia, followed by a fire. According to Russian authorities, as of the 23rd, 133 people had died. The “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)” has claimed responsibility for this incident.
  2. On March 24 (French time), Prime Minister Borne announced on X (formerly Twitter) that in response to the incident in Moscow, the ISIL claim of responsibility, and the threats facing France, the domestic counter-terrorism action plan would be elevated from the second of three levels to the highest level, “urgence attentat” (terror emergency). (Note: The previous elevation to “urgence attentat” was from October 2023 to January 2024.) [Reference: French National Security and Defense Secretariat Website]
  3. In France last October, a former student attacked a teacher with a knife at a high school in Arras, Pas-de-Calais. In December of the same year, an attack occurred on the Bilakem Bridge in Paris, where a man with a knife injured passersby. It is important to recognize that the risk of terrorism remains present within France.
  4. Be fully aware that terrorism can occur anywhere, and to avoid becoming involved in terrorism or kidnapping, ensure to implement appropriate and adequate safety measures based on the situation. Additionally, to reduce the probability of becoming a victim of terrorism, please follow these measures: (1) Make efforts to obtain the latest relevant information through reports. (2) Be aware that the following places are more likely to be targeted by terrorists: – Tourist attractions, roads around tourist sites, event venues on anniversaries and holidays, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, nightclubs, cinemas, public transport facilities, religious sites, and government facilities (especially military, police, and security-related facilities). (3) When visiting the above locations, pay attention to the surrounding situation, promptly leave if you detect suspicious individuals or situations, minimize your stay as much as possible, and take sufficient care of your safety based on the situation. (4) Follow the instructions of local authorities. If you encounter a terrorist incident, listen carefully to police instructions and strive to act calmly.

Residents and visitors are advised to exercise caution and stay informed.
