Guatemala: Advisory on Dengue Fever

  • Dengue fever infections and severe cases are spreading at a faster rate in Guatemala this year compared to last year.
  • When going out, please take appropriate preventive measures, and if you develop symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Currently, in Guatemala, the rate of dengue fever infections and severe cases is increasing faster than last year. According to WHO data, this year’s cases are nearly double those of last year, with approximately 69,000 infections and 93 severe cases reported by July.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, dengue fever typically begins with a sudden high fever, accompanied by symptoms such as rash, headache, joint and muscle pain, nausea, and vomiting. The fever usually subsides within 2–7 days, and the rash often appears during the defervescence period.

In rare cases, some patients may develop severe conditions such as dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome, which can be fatal if not treated promptly. It is essential to take the preventive measures recommended by the Guatemalan Ministry of Health and seek immediate medical attention if symptoms appear.

Key Preventive Measures:

  1. Clear vegetation around your home and avoid standing water.
  2. Regularly clean water containers and tanks.
  3. Increase the frequency of changing pets’ drinking water.
  4. Seal water tanks.
  5. Clean drains and gutters.
  6. Use mosquito nets in sleeping areas.
  7. Wear long sleeves and minimize skin exposure when going out, and use insect repellent.

Related Information Links:

  • Guatemalan Ministry of Health (Larvicide Effective Against Dengue Fever) Link
  • Guatemalan Ministry of Health (Information on Symptoms and Medical Advice) Link
  • National News Agency of Guatemala (AGN) (Importance of Household Dengue Prevention) Link
