China: Advisory for the End of War Memorial Day in Hong Kong


1. August 15 (Thursday) marks the 79th anniversary of the end of World War II. Currently, there are no confirmed plans for significant protests related to the previous war. However, memorial events related to the war are scheduled in the Central district, where our office is located. Given that protests have occurred in this area in previous years, there is a possibility of similar activities this year, and unexpected incidents cannot be ruled out during such protests.
2. If you plan to go out on that day, please pay attention to the following points:
(1) Obtain the latest security information and ensure the safety of your destination. Stay alert to your surroundings while you are out.
(2) If you need to be near areas such as Exchange Square in the Central district where our office is located, exercise extreme caution and pay close attention to your surroundings.
(3) Avoid approaching any protests or demonstrations. Do not take photos with your smartphone or post any related content on personal social media without caution.
(4) Carry identification such as a Hong Kong ID in case you are asked for identity verification by the police.
(5) Avoid approaching suspicious objects or items whose ownership is unclear.
