Taiwan: Safety Information (Q2 2024)


Based on statistics from Taiwanese authorities (as of August 6, 2024) and incidents since the last publication of the “Taiwan Safety Information,” we provide the following safety update for Taiwan:

1. Social and Security Situation
Protests related to historical issues between Taiwan and Japan have occurred sporadically around the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office. However, the general sentiment towards Japan among the public remains positive. The security situation in Taiwan continues to be relatively stable.
2. Crime Trends
(1) Major Crime Statistics
According to the National Police Agency, there were 55,446 criminal offenses reported from April to June 2024, an 11.4% decrease compared to the same period last year. Despite this decrease, many crimes still occur daily, and there is a rising trend in fraud cases. Please remain vigilant and aware that you are abroad to enhance your crime prevention awareness.
The number of major crimes is as follows, which can be used as a reference for preventing victimization:
• Total Criminal Offenses: 55,446 cases (11.4% decrease from the previous year)
• Homicide: 31 cases (10.7% increase)
• Robbery: 17 cases (34.6% decrease)
• Forced Intercourse: 24 cases (29.4% decrease)
• Theft: 7,964 cases (17.8% decrease)
• Fraud: 10,914 cases (19.0% increase)
(2) Cases Involving Japanese Nationals
• Theft (Pickpocketing)
In April, a pickpocketing incident occurred in Taipei City where valuables were stolen from a Japanese national’s bag while walking on the sidewalk. Please take the following precautions against pickpocketing:
• Be especially cautious on roads without clear separation between the roadway and sidewalk.
• Carry bags towards the building side and use a cross-body shoulder bag.
• Choose well-lit and crowded streets at night.
• Be alert if you hear a motorcycle engine sound from behind.
• Avoid walking while distracted, such as using your smartphone or listening to music.
• Theft (Snatching)
In May, several thefts occurred at the Shilin Night Market, where Japanese tourists had their wallets stolen from backpacks. Some victims were approached by suspicious individuals just before the theft. Be particularly cautious at crowded tourist spots and events. Keep valuables close to your body and be aware of your surroundings.
• Lost Passports
Since the last publication of “Taiwan Safety Information,” there have been 20 reports of lost passports. Most were lost while out, likely in taxis or other locations. Some cases may involve theft or loss.
Common situations for passport loss include:
• Losing a passport in crowded places like night markets.
• Leaving a passport in a taxi or public transport.
• Forgetting a passport at an airport or restroom.
• Losing a passport after excessive drinking.
• Misplacing a passport during room cleaning or moving.
Loss of passports is often due to the holder’s carelessness. In case of loss, report it to Taiwanese authorities and consider applying for a travel document if urgent return is necessary. This process requires significant time and effort. A lost passport could be misused for illegal activities, so manage your passport carefully.
(3) Fraud Targeting Foreigners
There has been an increase in fraud targeting foreigners, including Japanese nationals. Common scams include:
• Social media investment fraud
• Romance scams
• Online shopping fraud
Be cautious of offers claiming guaranteed profits, exclusive opportunities, or free seminars by famous people. Verify the legitimacy of investment opportunities and payment accounts. Be wary of financial requests from people you haven’t met in person.
3. Traffic Accident Trends
(1) Major Statistics
According to the National Police Agency, from February to April 2024, there were 92,134 traffic accidents, a 6.9% decrease from the previous year. On average, about 1,024 traffic accidents occur daily, with 712 fatalities, a 6.7% decrease from the previous year.
Given the high frequency of traffic accidents, remain aware of differences in traffic conditions and customs between Japan and Taiwan. Be vigilant of surrounding vehicles and motorbikes. Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance to cover unexpected traffic accidents.
Key statistics are as follows:
• Number of Accidents: 92,134 (6.9% decrease from the previous year)
• Fatalities: 712 (6.7% decrease from the previous year)
• Injuries: 123,159 (7.5% decrease from the previous year)
(2) Cases Involving Japanese Nationals
No reports have been received.
4. Terrorism and Bombing Incidents
No reports have been received.
5. Kidnapping and Extortion Cases Involving Japanese Nationals
No reports have been received.
6. Safety Issues Related to Japanese Companies
No reports have been received.
7. Travel Insurance
There have been cases where high medical or hospitalization costs were incurred during stays in Taiwan due to unexpected illnesses or traffic accidents. Travel insurance can cover medical expenses, transportation costs, and sometimes provide services like arranging interpreters. Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance for your trip to Taiwan.
