Lebanon: Alert on the Growing Tension in the Lebanese-Israeli Situation


If you are planning to travel to or stay in Lebanon, please cancel your trip.
If you are already in Lebanon, please consider leaving the country as soon as possible while regular commercial flights are in operation. Even if you are staying in Lebanon due to unavoidable circumstances, please continue to consider leaving the country as soon as possible, and take every precaution to ensure your own safety by evacuating to a safe area or location as soon as possible in the event of any unforeseen circumstances. In addition, please reconfirm the preparation of your personal belongings and stockpiled supplies.

1 On July 27, an attack from the Lebanese side caused many civilian casualties in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights, which is effectively controlled by Israel. Since then, Israel has continued to attack southern Lebanon and other areas.
On the 28th, the Israeli government decided to authorize the Prime Minister of Israel and the Minister of Defense to decide on the plan of attack against Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon and other areas are continuing, and it is possible that the situation will become even more tense in the future.

2 In response to the above situation, some airlines have already suspended or changed their scheduled flights. Depending on future changes in the situation, the number of scheduled commercial flights may decrease rapidly.

3 If you are planning to travel to or stay in Lebanon, please cancel your travel.

4 If you are already in Lebanon, please consider leaving the country as soon as possible while regular commercial flights are in operation. Even if you are staying in Lebanon due to unavoidable circumstances, please continue to consider leaving the country as soon as possible. In light of the current situation, please exercise extreme caution and obtain the latest information from multiple sources, and if any unforeseen circumstances arise in the future, please take steps to ensure your own safety by evacuating to a safe area or location immediately. In addition, please reconfirm the preparation of your personal belongings and stockpiles of supplies by referring to the Emergency Response Manual in the Safety Guide of the Embassy of Japan in Lebanon. In the event of evacuation, including temporary departure from the country, please contact the Embassy of Japan in Lebanon.

5 When traveling abroad, be sure to inform your family, friends, and workplace of your itinerary and contact information at your destination in case of emergency.
