Morocco: Domestic Demonstrations and the Radicalization of the Security Services’ Response


We have received information that demonstrations in the country and the response of security authorities have become more extreme in some parts of the country.

1 The frequency of unauthorized demonstrations is increasing. To suppress demonstrations, Moroccan security authorities are using water cannons and batons, and some people have been injured.
2 The possibility that the activities and policing of demonstrators will become more extreme in the future cannot be denied.
3 We ask all Japanese citizens to take the following precautions.
(1) When going out, always be aware of your surroundings. If you notice crowds or other suspicious situations, leave the area immediately and ensure your safety.
(2) If you unexpectedly encounter a demonstration, do not approach it unnecessarily or take pictures or video, but leave the area quickly and calmly.
(3) If there are instructions from the police or other security agencies, please follow them.
