Argentina: Snatch Theft of Smartphones on Buenos Aires Subway Line D


● A Japanese national had their smartphone snatched from a backpack they were carrying in front while riding on Buenos Aires Subway Line D.
● Incidents of smartphone theft continue to occur frequently in Buenos Aires and its surrounding areas. Careful attention is needed regarding outdoor usage and carrying methods.

【Main Text】
We would like to inform you about a theft incident involving a Japanese national.

1. Incident Overview
(1) Date and Time
October 1, 2024 (Tuesday), around 8:40 AM
(2) Location
Buenos Aires Subway Line D (near Callao Station)
(3) Victim and Details of the Theft
Japanese national (female), smartphone
(4) Situation at the Time of the Incident
The victim was riding with her backpack secured in front of her near the door of the subway train on Line D in Buenos Aires. The train was moderately crowded, with enough space for people not to touch each other. As the train approached Callao Station, she noticed an odd interruption in the music coming from her Bluetooth-connected earphones. When she attempted to retrieve her smartphone from her backpack, she realized that the small pocket at the front of her backpack was unzipped and that her smartphone was missing.
She observed a man who had boarded the train one station before her, who seemed to act suspiciously by standing close to her and then exiting at the next station.
2. Crime Prevention Measures
(1) According to reports, the number of smartphone snatch thefts in Buenos Aires and its surrounding areas last year exceeded an average of 3,000 incidents per month, based solely on police reports, with actual occurrences estimated to be three to four times higher. Smartphone theft is frequent. Typically, snatch thieves act in groups and use various techniques to distract their targets while executing their theft quickly before leaving the scene.
(2) Therefore, even if you take security measures, as in this case, there is still a risk of becoming a victim. When using public transportation such as subways or buses, it is advisable to avoid boarding near the doors and to remain vigilant about the behavior of surrounding passengers.
(3) Additionally, using headphones or earphones outdoors makes it difficult to notice approaching individuals and increases the risk of becoming a target for thieves. It’s essential to be aware of this risk.
