Sierra Leone: Risk Information


Risk Level】
● Entire Country
Level 1: Exercise caution. (Unchanged)

【Key Points】

• In June 2023, President Bio was re-elected in Sierra Leone’s presidential elections. While there was no significant violence during the election period or after the results were announced, in November of the same year, an armed group attacked a military barracks in Freetown, resulting in casualties. Additionally, there was a prison break, with the government reporting that nearly 2,000 inmates escaped. Although the current security situation is relatively stable, there remains the possibility of a sudden deterioration in security or escalation of tensions.
• Exercise caution to avoid falling victim to common crimes such as pickpocketing, particularly those targeting foreigners.
• Given the frequent terrorist incidents involving Islamist extremist groups in West African countries, it is essential to stay updated on the latest security information and take appropriate and sufficient safety measures according to the situation.
