Indonesia: Student Protests in Denpasar (September 30)


• On September 30, around 9:30 a.m., there is information that a demonstration will be held by students from Papua near Plaza Renon in Denpasar.
• Please avoid approaching the demonstration site as much as possible.
• Traffic congestion may occur, so be cautious when passing through the area.

1. There is information that around 30 students, mainly from Papua, will gather for a protest on September 30, starting around 9:30 a.m. The group is expected to assemble near Renon Square in Denpasar, Bali, and then move toward the Plaza Renon area to carry out their activities.
2. In the past, there have been relatively large-scale demonstrations where the police used water cannons to confront demonstrators throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails. In Denpasar, there were also clashes between demonstrators and police, involving rock-throwing and water cannons. Please avoid getting close to such areas as much as possible.
3. Traffic congestion may occur in the vicinity due to the protest and police restrictions, so please exercise caution when passing through the area.
4. Additionally, please be aware that similar demonstrations could occur near government offices and other public institutions in various states and provinces in response to calls on social media.

